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Online Portable Points of Sales (OPPS)

8 years 8 months ago
Online Portable Points of Sales (OPPS)


Did you ever leave a store and head to another one because it doesn’t accept credit cards? Credit card payment is more convenient for many people which make local stores lose customers. Fawry was a breakthrough in Egypt but still it doesn’t serve small businesses that don’t qualify for merchant accounts.


OPPS allows anyone with a smartphone to accept credit cards easily and inexpensively without going through long approval processes to setup merchant accounts. Small businesses can sell to consumers they couldn’t have access to before. OPPS can be a small device attached to a smartphone. It can leverage the Internet access on smartphones to process the transactions and can use the phone’s touch screen to make users sign. But what does the service provider get in return? They can charge small businesses a flat fee, a small percentage for all transactions.


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