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Smart Lighter to quit smoking

8 years 6 months ago
Smart Lighter to quit smoking


Egyptians consume 80 billion cigarettes annually and spend 8 billion pounds annually on smoking [1]. Many smokers struggle to quit and fail. Some products might help decrease their dependence on cigarettes such as nicotine dispatches or electronic cigarettes but they are expensive and do not always lead to quitting.



The smart lighter will assist you rto educe and quit your smoking habit. The smart lighter records your smoking habits for few days during which it is learns when do you smoke, where and why using a smart algorithm. The lighter can be connected to your smartphone to help you keep track of your cigarettes consumption and become more aware of your smoking behavior. It can also be linked to your social media account to share your progress with friends. For example, once you skip a cigarette, this is shared with your friends who can positively reinforce your behavior. The smart lighter can leverage its network of users who quit smoking to help those trying to quit.

Photo Credit: Quitbit

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