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Database for Tutors

8 years 5 months ago
Database for Tutors


It is hard to find reliable tutors. In Egypt especially, there is a lack of network that connects students to tutors with ratings and reviews. Mostly, people use word of mouth to find teachers which doesn’t always turn out as an efficient method. Either the craft you want to learn is too expensive, the place you have to go to is too far away, or the quality of the tutor is poor.


A mobile app that connects the right tutor to the right student with just a tap of a finger! Through a database of people and their interests, people would sign up as tutors and learners. Instead of looking for institutions that may be too far away, you’ll find out that your next door neighbour learned how to knit alpaca hair in the mountains of Peru for 5 years and he is here to teach you that rare skill. The app would work to match tutors and learners through the course topic, geography, budget as well as minimum required rating. The app would be contributing to a huge market and providing it with the most cost efficient and dependable solution. As a matter of fact, this has already been established on a website called educawy made by Enactus at Zewail City and by Cairo Classes

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