Moataz Darwish: Eduvation Summit is An Important Platform for Awareness Dissemination of Using Technology in the Educational Development Process

Eduvation held its third summit entitled «Summit Creative Education for the year 2017» in the presence of Dr. Tarek Shawki, Minister of Education, Dr. Hossam Badrawi, and former President of the Education Committee of Parliament, at Nile University yesterday.
The Summit took up educational technology aspects and the fifth industrial revolution, as well as opportunities and challenges of e-learning, and management of public and private education systems topics.
It also discussed different strategies for new educational solutions mechanisms. Mr. Moataz Darwish, Vice Chairman of Shell Egypt Company, said: "Shell Egypt is always a company interested in supporting advanced education system, in the interest of us to participate in the preparation of future leaders.”
“This summit is considered an important platform to spread awareness to the need to use technology in the development of the process educational through an integrated program,” Darwish added.
He also said that this will take place through a number of conferences and events in order to reach the widest possible communication, whether with students or success partners from various educational bodies. "
The Summit was attended by many of the agencies and companies such as "Taqweem", Innovators and Future Gate and many leading educational institutions.
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