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How to turn your idea into a product in 30 days?

8 years 2 months ago

Photo Credit: Linkedin

1. Have Passion 

Unless you can’t imagine the world without your idea, don’t chase it. Unless you can see yourself doing it, save yourself a bumpy ride and don’t do it. 

Such passion usually emerges from a personal pain. When Tayssir El Hawary moved from Zamalek, in the center of Cairo, to 6th of October city, he struggled with transportation so he came up with the idea for Tawseela, a local startup that provides an innovative bus service. 

"Obstacles  are those frightful things  you see  when  you  take  your  eyes  off  your  goal." - Henry Ford  

2. Get moving 

Meet up with people who have been working in your industry, or those who could have a different input than yours.This will help you understand where the market gap is, and understand what are the trends worldwide. 

Listen to people’s stories, but be careful, you don’t want to end up getting a handout of what exact steps you should follow. Listen, Process, and then move. 

3. Sketch it 

Imagine your product, visualize every aspect of it. Think about details that would make your product more appealing than others. You’ve got to test the water before you jump in. Understanding your market will help you identify potential opportunities for your idea to thrive, and be prepared for challenges you might face.  

4. Create your Business model canvas 

It’s good to get the ink flowing, it’s even better to do it in an organized way.  

The Business model canvas is a tool that helps you map several elements explaining the buisness’ customers, finances and value proposition. As the building block of a business model, it helps you build a better understanding of where your business stands, and acts as a starting point for further analysis or planning for enhancements. 

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5. Get feedback again 

After you have developed your idea further, listen to more people. Getting feedback is always helpful. 

6. Build a team 

Even if you are a superhero, you still need help. Build a team of people who share the same passion and values with you. Your skills and experiences should complete each other’s.  

Most mistakes made by entrepreneurs come down to people, explains Maher Hakim, professor at Carnegie Melon University. Hiring wrong people, choosing wrong partners and taking money from the wrong investors make up for most of the entrepreneurial failures.  

“It’s like a marriage,” Hakim continues, “you have to be open about your culture and values before you get other people involved.” 

7. Work on your Product 

Now you can actually start creating you first product. Make several Iterations, use all the available opportunities, go “lean”. 

Lean thinking is doing more with less, so make the best of it.

8. Optimization 

So you have something to work with, not bad, but you definitely need to improve it. 

9. Look for Funding 

Look for funding to produce and start selling. Apply for competitions, seek a grant, join an accelerator or an incubator. Accelerators allow you to kick-start your business while incubators help you with resources, which are not restricted to funds, but can also be space or expertise. 

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