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Call for Expression of Interest - Innovation Clusters Initiative

8 years 7 months ago

ITIDA, and its innovation affiliate TIEC, are organizing the Innovation Cluster Initiative (iCi) Workshop. Within the workshop ITIDA/ TIEC will elaborate on the recently launched  iCi fund of up to EGP 40 million per cluster for supporting the creation of innovation clusters in targeted cities in which new technology parks are being currently developed by Silicon Waha. iCi aims at enabling innovation and entrepreneurship through public–private partnership (PPP). 

The event targets innovative companies, MNCs, private and public academia, training centers, entrepreneurship support organizations (incubators, labs, accelerators, co-working spaces), technology-transfer offices, ICT NGOs, and VCs to join forces with ITIDA for establishing a mature ecosystem for Technology Innovators and  Entrepreneurs across Egyptian cities.

The workshop will highlight iCi efforts in creating a network of innovation clusters (iCluster) within the Egyptian technology parks to enable innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of ICT. Each cluster will specialize in a specific promising ICT-enabled sector creating new job opportunities and providing accumulated experiences. with calls for competition. A phase spans 5 years, where every accepted cluster benefits from TIEC’s services, funding, and incentives.

iCi, in its first phase, aims to establish two clusters as follows: Alexandria Innovation Cluster and Asyut Innovation Cluster includes Minya, Suhag, Assiut and RedSea. The event is for free companies are to submit an expression of interest before August 21th.

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