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6 Robots from CES 2019

5 years 11 months ago

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is an annual event in Las Vegas, where companies and developers showcase their technological and electronic innovations. The show covers all kinds of different products starting from smartphones, television screens, virtual reality products, self-drive cars, to gaming platforms. Here are some of the robots that were shown at CES:

1- Lovot Groove X

Lovot is a combination of the two words love and robot. This robot will not fetch you a cup of water, or help you with home errands, it has been created specially to be your companion. You can hug the robot, and it can understand your body language and track your movement through its camera. If you touch the robot, it perceives this through sensors placed under its soft cover.

 Photo credit: Groove - X

2- Pillar Learning Codi
If you are searching for a new tutor for your child, Codi is the answer. Codi can sing for your child an educational song and tell them bedtime stories. It also connects to wifi, which allows its update its songs.

Photo credit: Pillar Learning

3- Samsung Bot air
This is the first robot that was revealed by Samsung. When you first look at it, you might think it’s a small trash can, but actually, its a robot made specially to purify the air inside your house. The robot works in a very simple way. For example, if something burns inside your house, the color of the robot’s base will turn to red, and it will head towards the room with the polluted air and begin to purify it. When the air is pure again, its color will turn to green.

 Photo credit: Pocket-lint

4- Samsung Bot care

 The second robot to be revealed by Samsung during the show, it’s a small robot that provides you health care services. The robot can track your breath while sleeping, and if you place your hand over its sensors it will show your heart beats, it also reminds you of dosage times of your medicine.

Photo credit: Samsung

5- Samsung Bot Retail
Unlike Samsung’s other robots, Bot retail is designed to work in restaurants or retail stores. It can be a waiter at a restaurant or an assistant at a retail store that can serve customers. The robot responds to your vocal orders and facial expressions.

Photo credit: Samsung

6- Samsung GEMS
The Gait Enhancing Motivational System, (GEMS) collection of wearables that assist various body parts. There are three categories, GEMS-H for thighs, GEMS-K for Knees, and GEMS-A for the ankle. The GEMS collection is still under development by Samsung.

Photo credit: Samsung

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