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Logic Cells Based on Spin Diode and Applications of the Same

8 years 1 month ago


The patented invention focuses on the spin diode logic family to create a complete FPGA logic cell capable of implementing a NOR gate, an XNOR gate, a logic inverter, a logic latch, and a logic one-bit full adder using 6 spin diodes. Hence, a circuit implemented using this invention of FPGA logic cells, based on the spin diode logic, can potentially consume less power and area while operating at higher speeds than the same circuit implemented using CMOS Technology.


Modern electronic circuits make use of the small size of transistors to build functionally complex devices. This field is referred to as VLSI, very large scale integration, which connects several cells of transistors with each cell performing a required logic function resulting in the device’s functionality. A device that follows the design logic of VLSI is an FPGA or field-programmable gate array. It is composed of an array of programmable logic blocks which can be configured to perform complex combinational functions or simple logic gates such as AND or NOR. These programmable logic blocks or cells can be designed using several logic families. The most common logic family is the CMOS technology which can be used to create a full set of logic gates; however, some CMOS gates are not the most efficient in terms of their area and power consumption, which are typically valued parameters in FPGA cells. An alternative logic technique is the diode logic which utilizes the electron spin. While the diode excels in creating simple OR gates and single junction devices which use less devices than their CMOS counterparts, they cannot, however, perform inversion which is a fundamental function of a complete logic family.

Patenting Status

Patent Granted



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