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MEMs Dipole Monople Antenna for Wireless Systems Operating at 77 GHz

8 years 4 months ago


Based on MEMS technology, this invention has various applications in auto-collision detectors, monopulse radars for target tracking, and law enforcement, i.e., speed violation detection. Besides radar, the proposed technology can also apply to any high frequency point-to-many points wireless communication system. This technology is a design and manufacturing process for a 3D MEMS multimode (dipole/monopole) antenna. This antenna technology is based on MEMS technology and is thus suitable for monolithic integration with a driving circuit, and offers good microwave performance at 77 GHz. The antenna can be manufactured from a single silicon wafer, without any need for wafer bonding or hybrid integration. Cost savings are realized by the need for only three steps in the process flow. The antenna is fabricated using bulk micromachining. The antenna could be manufactured from a single silicon wafer that is coated on both sides with oxide, where the antenna is etched from the top and bottom surfaces to define the antenna components. The antenna can be made to function in dipole or monopole modes, depending on the excitation port.


The technology has: ● Good Microwave Performance at 60-77 GHz Range ● Low cost due to simplicity in fabrication process (ONLY 3 STEPS) ● Switchable antenna mode feature (MONOPOLE/DIPOLE)

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