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RISC Hosts Its 4th Annual Legal Web Conference This Month

5 years 11 months ago

RISC Legal Academy is hosting their 4th Annual Legal Web Conference on the 23rd of March. This year’s slogan is “Law & Sustainable Development: Tackling The Role of the Legal Society in Attracting FDIs.”

This year the conference is going to have two new panels on Sustainable Finance and on Financial Technology powered by Dcarbon Egypt, Environment and Sustainability Consultancy. The panels aim to discuss the legal and regulatory challenges and opportunities needed to undertake such new trends and adapt to them.

The conference is not only tied to panel discussions, but also ten different workshops about IP rights, career coaching, arbitration and so much more.

The Legal Web aims to connects all legal forces together in order to manifest an environment that combines all generations in the legal field to develop and negotiate through an effective platform.

To attend, get your tickets here and check out their page as they are looking for more partners to join their conference.

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