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8 years 1 month ago


All people enjoy eating, but the act of eating requires the person to have a full-control of his hands to be able to do it. People with limited hand mobility struggle in the act of eating, they might spill the food because of their disability. Their limited hand mobility can be related to spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy or post-stroke deficits.


Liftware is an innovative smart spoon designed with the potential to make life a little easier for those with hand disabilities and eating can be their everyday struggle. This device allows the disabled person to eat with ease; it has built-in sensors to detect the unintended hand moves for the disabled person and can overcome it by making the spoon stable. It takes away the stress while eating with the regular spoon and puts the joy back in eating. The device can run for 1 hour continuously, it costs 195$. 

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