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'Heya Raeda' Graduates attend Financial Literacy Workshop

1 year 1 month ago

CHF Management and Consulting Services Egypt (CHF MCSE) in collaboration with The Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences and USAID Strengthening Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (SEED) Project held a two-day workshop on Financial Literacy and Banking Knowledge. The attendees of the workshop were women who graduated from the Women Entrepreneurship Program ‘Heya Raedah’.

‘Heya Raedah’ program is Arabic for she is an entrepreneur, which is an initiative by Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC), offering women in the Information and Communication Technology field business development activities and workshops to empower them to start their business. 

The workshop addressed a variety of topics that anyone who is looking to start their business should be well aware of. Topics include cash flow statements and the legal business structure in Egypt. In addition to the lectures, there were also some group activities to apply the concepts learned.

Some of Heya Raeda's Alumni during one of the activities at the CHF workshop.

The workshop was part of a financial literacy program designed by CHF MCSE for women entrepreneurs called Women in Business Capacity Building Training. This program targets women entrepreneurs and women-owned businesses that are aged two years or more. Representatives from CIB and Levari Law Firm were present in the workshop to talk about the services they offer entrepreneurs and SMEs.

Dalia Sameh, CIB representative during her talk on the services offered by CIB to SMEs.

CHF MCSE falls under Global Communities, which is a US-based international development organization. CHF helps Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) guarantee loans and it is funded by Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)

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