1-Click Download "PIG Strategy" (Simplified Edition)

PIG Strategy is revolutionary, unprecedented yet sensible.
PIG is revolutionary. It turns upside down how most business people perceive pain: from bad and destructive to good and constructive. PIG Strategy proves that the long-held sacred belief in the customer experience world that “Customer pain points are bad and have to be eliminated” is fallacious and no longer valid.
PIG is unprecedented. It builds a brand by allowing pain, identifying good pain, and enlarging the pleasure-pain gap. PIG Strategy unleashes the full potential of a brand and maximizes its resource productivity by making a paradigm shift from ‘continuous improvement’ to ‘creative aggravation’. Pain is vital for creating a remarkable brand.
PIG is sensible. It does not go to unrealistic and unsustainable extremes: only pleasure, only customer or only progress – extremes that don’t work and can’t last. PIG Strategy restores a realistic and sustainable balance between 'pleasure and pain’, 'customer and brand’, and 'progress and regress’. Sensible approaches work and last.
I published the article Stop Trying to Eliminate Customer Pain Point in the Harvard Business Review (Chinese edition) to demonstrate the merits of PIG Strategy. Over 20 independent research projects have been conducted globally across a variety of industries, collecting data from more than 30,000 customer interactions to validate the insights and theories behind this eccentric strategy.
With content based on PIG Strategy, the world's 1st CX (customer experience) certification program has run in 19 international cities and certified business executives from world reputable companies across six continents. PIG Strategy was first licensed in Belgium and the Netherlands.
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