TIEC and Etisalat launch Start IT with Etisalat Competition

Do you wish to launch your own startup or launched it already? Do you have a robust idea that can compete with other teams and win? Are you seeking to get trained by the top tier calibers locally and globally to scale up your idea as well as getting all kind of technical,logistical and legal support to build a successful product/ company? If the answer in your mind is yes then Start IT with Etisalat is for you.
Start IT with Etisalat is an initiative brought by the Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) and Etisalat. It supports Egyptian youth having a new startup of less than 1 year or willing to build their own startup to turn their ideas into successful enterprises.
The initiative focuses on Big data or IoT- Internet of Things- related products. There are a total of 6 challenges underneath big data or IoT to choose from Gamification, Smart Electricity Meter, My Organizer, Fitness and Health Care, Smart Cities and Smart Silos. To know more about each challenge and the eligibility criteria visit Start IT with Etisalat platform.
Start IT with Etisalat phases will start from May 18th, 2016 until August 31st, 2017. From May 18th until June 16th you will have the opportunity to submit your application if you are accepted you will be notified on June 27th for an interview and know the results on July 12th.
Starting July 14th to August 2nd there will be boot camp sessions, on the 8th, they will pitch and on the 9th, the winners will be announced. From August 15th until October 23rd Preincubation phase will start where ten winning teams will be preincubated, pitch on October 25th and only two winning teams will win and proceed to the incubation phase which starts from November 1st, 2016 until August 31st, 2017 at TIEC’s premise.
During these 10 months, winning teams will be supported by their own offices, basic tools and equipment as well as technical and business support from TIEC and Etisalat experts and TIEC and Etisalat experts.
The initiative is designed to benefit the applicants in different ways such as learning to formulate ideas that the market needs, testing assumptions and validate ideas. Additionally, create prototypes with the help of the mentors and coaches from Etisalat and TIEC and pitching practice. Don’t think it twice and submit your application today, the deadline is on June 30th.
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