To All High School Students Here is Your Chance to Learn, Think and Win

Are you a high school student - grade 10 -12 – and have an idea and don’t know from where to start? Then “Young Entrepreneur” program is for you. "Young Entrepreneur" by iSpark is the first entrepreneurship program of its kind for high school students in Egypt. The program is funded by USAID.
How can you be a part of this program? Students are expected to register as a team – from 3 - 5 candidates – through registering yourself and your friends. You can register as an individual as well but you will be randomly set to a team. Soon after registration someone will contact you and collect the registration fees 1000 L.E from each member from your team. Teams are expected to a 2-day mandatory boot camp in November to start off the program.
Students will go through weekly entrepreneurship training sessions where they will connect with mentors, students from across different schools, and entrepreneurs from different industries. In addition to winning up to 20,000 L.E at the Finale Event after pitching your idea in front of judges.
Don’t miss your chance and register here before Nov. 9th
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