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Jabii: The Extendable Boxing Glove

1 year 4 weeks ago


Nowadays, a big problem that encounters each of us is that our kids are over attached to their screens whether mobiles, tablets, or even TV which makes them lazy. The parents rarely encourage their kids to move and play in the real-world as long as they are quiet and entertained in front of screens.


Jabii is a family friendly boxing game that motivates kids to be active and to stay away from screens since it combines physical activity with a mobile game. The boxing gloves are spring-loaded and have a rubber surface that softens the beats.

Jabii is a punchy alternative to the applications that kids use as it enables you to punch your real-life opponents. An application connects to this glove through the sensor to track each hit for a player and determine the brawl winner. Also, there is a video game mode where the physical glove controls the avatar which can compete other users.

Nobody will get hurt while playing as it comes with padded extending boxing gloves and helmets to secure players. Also, a softening spring system reduces the hit effect.

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