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Stocked Product Sensing System

8 years 1 month ago


The patented solution is the stocked product sensing system which is comprised of a unique sensor technology to be installed directly on the shelf and uses solar cells to determine the availability of product on the shelf as opposed to tracking each item individually. Another embodiment of this invention includes the actual shelves mounted with conducting plates that can determine the availability of products on this shelf. This system generates alerts and collects data based on parameters, such as time, defined by the user in a software system, allowing for central and distributed management. This invention is efficient and cost effective since it employs the use of the shelf in its product detection technique and can, therefore, minimize the loss of sales by periodically providing accurate product inventory resulting in a smoother restock process.


There are, typically, shelves in stores all over the world. These shelves hold different products available for sale where customers can pick them up from the shelf or rack which reduces the amount of product available for selling. When a product or item is out-of-stock, no longer present on the shelf, the store loses sales as well as customer satisfaction making it a critical problem. Currently, the world-wide grocery industry struggles from about 8 percent of out-of-stock situations. Common solutions include manual checks by store clerks which is inefficient and time consuming, RFID technologies are expensive to tag on every item, and statistical algorithms which have an accuracy of less than 75 percent.

Patenting Status

Patent Granted



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