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Lifi 100 times faster than regular Wifi

9 years 1 week ago

LiFi is a super fast wireless technology, people call it the alternative of WiFi. Imagine being able to transfer data using house bulbs? This is what Harald Haas, the Professor of Mobile Communications at the University of Edinburgh and the inventor of Li-F, presents in his TED talk. Using solar cells and led lights, Harald Haas and his team have developed a new technology that delivers data through light. Haas has been studying ways to communicate electronic data signals, designing modulation techniques that pack more data onto existing networks. 

What will be the future of Internet after this technology? And what if we can bring the internet to more than 4 billion people who can't afford it? In this video, Haas shows a proof-of-concept for his invention. Moreover, he tries to imagine how the world could be if EVERYONE on earth was able to have an internet access. 


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