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Virtual Reality Gaming Introduced in Egypt

8 years 3 months ago

In today’s constantly evolving world, many new technologies are introduced. Despite the fact that many of these technologies can easily fall along the way and go unnoticed, virtual reality (VR) is definitely the next big thing!

In the recent months, the VR technology evolution demonstrated great potential for breakthroughs in education, tourism, architecture, and obviously in gaming.

With the release of three high-end VR consoles in 2016; Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and lastly PlayStation VR, virtual reality has finally been introduced in Egypt.

Planet Guru Innovation Space; a new youth space branding itself as “Egypt’s first comprehensive innovation space” decided to invest in HTC Vive; the world’s most advanced VR console. Having opened for business a few days ago, Planet Guru offers the VR gaming experience powered by HTC Vive to Egyptians at affordable prices.

“Unlike many new technologies, virtual reality is a no joke. The experience offered and the potential for growth of VR around the world in truly unprecedented. As Egypt’s first comprehensive innovation space, we decided to offer our guests such an unparalleled experience.” said Fady Salah, the CEO and co-founder of Planet Guru Innovation Space.

“Although innovation is clearly visible in our VR services, but we didn’t stop there. We offer comprehensive services that any millennial in Egypt would need,” he added.

In addition to VR gaming, Planet Guru offers PlayStation 4 gaming, co-working space for students, freelancers and entrepreneurs, and fully-equipped training and meeting rooms.

“We are part of the youth and young entrepreneurs’ community, and this is why we understand what they need, and we exert huge efforts to offer them the best services at adequate prices,” Fady concluded.

Part of Brainy Squad business consulting and creative agency, Planet Guru Innovation Space is located in Mesaha Square, Dokki. More information available on their Facebook page.


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