The Next Technology Leaders Initiative: Calls for Study Group Mentors and Project Reviewers

The Next Technology Leaders Initiative is calling for experts and practitioners with educational and business experience qualifications in the technology and business fields. Deadline for registration is on the 15th of January 2017.
The call is for Study Group Mentors and Project Reviewers; Study group mentors will attend weekly or biweekly study group meetings where they will motivate the learners to complete the learning tracks, facilitate the learning experience, provide technical guidance, answer questions related to the learning track and explain topics that are hard to grasp. While project reviewers will make a blind technical review of the projects submitted by learners in their learning tracks where they will insert guiding comments, highlight strengths, and weaknesses, and assess the overall quality of the submitted projects.
The technology learning initiative “Next Technology Leaders (NTL)” was developed to build a capacity of young calibers on the latest information, communications, and electronics technologies.
If you are an expert or practitioner with educational and/or business experience qualifications in the following register here:
- Technology field: Android Development, Agile Development, Virtual Reality, Big Data, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Internet of things, Front-End Web Developer, Game Design, Full Stack Web Developer, and Geographic Information Systems.
- Business field: Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Digital Marketing, Business Model Innovation, Marketing Analytics, Graphic Design.
Also, note that both study group mentors and project reviewers will be compensated based upon their experience level and the effort spent.
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