The Innovation Arena announces the winning startups

The Innovation Arena, which is part of the Cairo International Technology Fair (Cairo ICT 2021) events at its twenty-fifth session, organized a competition to support emerging ideas to showcase and discuss their ideas. ICT Cairo was held at the Egypt International Exhibition Centre in the New Cairo region at the fifth settlement, held from 7 to 10 November. 20 projects have been submitted to the competition, cleared to 8 projects, and nominated to win 3 awards from the Academy of Scientific Research each worth £25,000, as published in news by ICTBusiness magazine.
Among the projects that have been cleared are; Wafrly application, which specializes in the purchase of house needs from supermarkets within 30 minutes in the towns of Mansura, Tanta and Demyat; the Lana CRM project to serve real estate companies in organizing their exhibitions and managing their employees, which is aimed at 20 thousand real estate companies; and the ReNile project, which specializes in fish farms,
the Lana CRM project to serve real estate companies in organizing their exhibitions and managing their employees, which is aimed at 20 thousand real estate companies, the ReNile project, which specializes in fish farms, and how to adapt technology in the tracking of fish plantations.
In addition to IHelp, which specializes in assisting, supporting, consulting and training people with special needs, as well as the Egyptian Green Company, which specializes in cigarette waste management, and the SenseEAR project, which provides smart glasses to help deaf people through artificial intelligence translation.
The competition winners were: Wafrly came in the first place, then IPM project, and SenseEAR project was in third place.
The awards were handed over to me by Khalil, Director of the Cairo ICT Exhibition, after being selected by the Arbitration Commission, consisting of Dr. Amr Talat, Professor of Electronics, Tamer Mohamed, Secretary of the Financial Technology Division of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Hassan El-Sokari, Chief of Digital, and Jassmine Nagaty, Director of Business Acceleration Programs at American University.
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