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Next-Gen Fuel Cell Technology



It is well known that car emissions is one of the leading factors in air pollution and the acceleration of global climate change. ACAL Energy has worked hard to produce a new automotive energy alternative that has a massive potential to replace the use of biofuel. It is a system that can work in existing fuel cells in regular cars that only produces two by-products, water and heat. Their efforts and aims are directed to reduce emissions, costs, and increase efficiency as well as the performativity of the use of automotive fuels.


This new technology promises better performance with lower costs than existing fuel cell systems. Fuel cells are unique in that they combine the benefits of low to zero emissions, multi-fuel capability, and no noise pollution. Therefore the cost of its production can be reduced exponentially with an 80% less use of platinum (a rare and expensive catalyst) as well as a 40% decrease in fuel cell price. In order to push this new alternative to be implemented on a global scale and reduce one of the leading ways of air pollution, then substantial funds are needed in order to push this technology forward to manufacturable prototypes, away from a simple laboratory.

For more information check out the video above. 


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