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Intelligent Street Lighting



Intelligent Street Lighting is an initiative created by E-Street in partnership with the EU. It is a project that stretches across borders that aims to create new “intelligent street lighting” market in order to reduce energy consumption. With the increase of energy prices there became a need to create a more efficient way to use minimum energy with high outputs.


The pilot in Oslo leads to an annual reduction of energy consumption by 70% and 1440 tons of carbon dioxide emissions in comparison to the burning of 10,000 public street lights. The E-street project has a 38 TWh potential to increase savings. This is done by retrofitting old installations of adaptive lighting which would cut the use of energy to about 64%.

Taking on a project like this in Egypt can have a transformative effect which will be observed more noticeably in the development of urban planning. If you are interested in such ambitious and transformative projects, this can be worth a look.


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