Proto VR Competes With Google VR

Two Years ago, Ahmed Abd -ElNabi, a student in Alex. Technology College, wanted to buy Google’s VR however, he couldn’t afford it so he decided to invent one. Abd- ElNabi decided to invent Proto VR, a VR glasses made of wood, does Google’s VR job and be affordable glasses as well.
Therefore Abd-ElNabi met with 2 other teams and decided to study the VR market first. And after months of trials and experiments Abd-ElNabi and his friends developed Proto VR and used Facebook as their marketing tool. At the beginning, they sold the glasses for 80 EGP. each but now they sell it for 150 EGP. each.
Proto VR team won second place in “San3ety” competition organized by Injaz. Proto VR works as any other VR glasses and the team hopes that it would be the first Egyptian wooden VR glasses’ startup worldwide.
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