The 7th Social Media Day kicks off this Friday with 4,000 participants, 13 tracks and over 100 sessions

The 7th annual Social Media Day, the largest annual event dedicated to digital content in Egypt, will take place this Friday. Organized by Oventure in cooperation with the US Embassy in Cairo, the event aims to provide unlimited opportunities for digital content creators and communication experts to meet and exchange experiences.
The summit aims to shed light on the changes within the social networking landscape and industry. For the first time, the 7th edition will see several new tracks such as the evolution of storytelling, e-commerce, future of technology and AI as well as the importance of branding within social media.
"The Summit will see participation by companies in various sectors such as IBM, MerQ Artificial Intelligence, specialized in financial education, Revolta Egypt and Al Arabi Group, as well as media organizations such as MBC Egypt, Fustany, Brandbees and Tayarah" said Donia Helaly, Founder and Corporate Relations Manager - Oventure.
Nagla Saad, Content Manager at Oventure, said in a statement that this is the largest gathering of its kind that will include several sessions and talks over the three days.
“More than 100 talks and panels in addition to an exhibition that will be held to support start-ups and local brands to showcase their products throughout the summit days,” Saad added.
The summit is expected to witness the attendance of more than 4,000 industry experts and social media enthusiasts from Friday, July 12 to Sunday, July 14, 2019 Greek Campus. Social Media Day’s team is providing a 20% discount for EgyptInnovate readers through the promocode SMDAYEgyptinnovate. To find tickets, click here. To know more details about the event, click here.
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