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Egyptian startup Yaoota raises $2.7 million fund

9 years 4 months ago

Only one year post launch, Egyptian startup Yaoota raised a 2.7 million dollar fund from the UAE based investment group Khalifa bin Butti Bin Omeir (KBBO). Yaoota is the first shopping search engine in Egypt, it helps users compare products and prices from online stores. They aim at bringing all available online products for customers to choose among and compare prices and quality. The company behind Yaoota is “Flying Elephant Lab” for two co-founders Sherif ElRakabawy and Mohamed Ewis who are currently seeking regional expansion after receiving the fund.

And don’t get confused with the name,Yaoota translates to tomatoes as Egyptian vendors call for them in street markets, they are known for their crazy jumping prices to attract buyers.

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