7 New Startups are hitting the Entrepreneurial Road

After 54 hours of passion and hard work, 64 idea pitches and 21 teams of aspiring entrepreneurs, Startup Weekend Egypt announced seven winning startup ideas. The event took place at the British University in Egypt from April 14th until April 16th.
Among all 21 teams, those 7 were able to convince the judges and win. Es3f me, Bringer and Lamina won first, second and third place respectively. ElBeit won a prize worth EGP. 35,000 from Aramex as the best e-commerce startup. Hap Maker, Roshita Tip and Makanak won as the three best tech startups and will be incubated in Technology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) incubation program.
Get To Know the 7 Startups To Be
Es3f Me is a mobile app that helps users report accidents directly to the ambulances and also get first aid tips on how to deal with the person who got injured. The second winning idea is Brnger, a simple exchanging and trading platform for residents living in the same neighborhood. In addition to Brnger there is Lamina a mobile application that helps patients who have skin problems to communicate with their dermatologists and take appointments easily. Doctors can even diagnose the patients online by taking a picture of the infection and send it through the app and get the doctor’s prescription and drug dosage.
Then comes ElBeit, a platform which connects housewives who need babysitters, cookers or cleaners with women who need a job and can do any of the previous jobs. ElBeit offers several price packages for every service either cleaning per meter or babysitting per hour.
Last but not least Hap Maker which helps you get your own drink wherever you are with the same taste and quality. All you need to do is sign up on Hap Maker’s app through your phone, customize your own coffee taste then log in through Hap Maker machine and get your own taste of coffee. Rosheta Tips is a smart preventive health platform that cares about your health and gives you tips on how to prevent and check up for certain diseases. And Makanak is a call center that helps deaf and mute to communicate with the society and provide them with instant translation through video calls, voice notes and sign language.
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