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International Conference on Globalisation, Entrepreneurship and Emerging Economies (ICGEEE)

Feb 2016
Feb 2016
Event Details
The Academy of Business and Retail Management (ABRM), London in collaboration with the Arab Academy of Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT) are organizing an international academic conference in Alexandria, Egypt under the theme of globalisation, entrepreneurship and emerging economies. Current call is now open for research work submission in areas including but not limited to:
- International retailing and diversification
- Innovation in retailing, ethical produce procurement and development
- 3 Customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and retention strategies
- Perception & Misconception and its role in globalization
- Foresight planning
- Governance practices in health care sector
- Scrutiny and Vigilance
- Leadership for innovation
- Multinational Corporations, transfer pricing, export and economic growth
- Regional integration
- Productivity and global sourcing
Researchers, academics, management consultants, corporate professionals, corporate trainers, government officials, representatives of think tanks, social service organizations, entrepreneurs, doctoral and master’s students.
- Sharing cutting edge international knowledge in various disciplines of management from internationally reputed experts.
- Recognition of attendees work on international platform as participants or paper/poster presenters.
- Connect potential collaborative partners among international, vibrant and scholarly audience.
- Registration Fee for Single Author: £350
- Registration Fee for a Student Author /observer: £300
- Registration as an Observer (Academic/corporate): £400
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