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TESTING WITH HUMANS: How to use experiments to drive faster, more informed decision making.

3 years 3 weeks ago

Testing with Humans for Giff Constable, the sequel to bestseller Talking to Humans, teaches entrepreneurs, innovation teams, and product teams how to run effective experiments.

Talking to Humans, published in 2014, aimed to help entrepreneurs learn how to speak directly with potential customers in order to vet and hone their ideas.

However, talking with other people will give you the strongest leaps of inspiration and understanding, but experiments give you the strongest proof. An experiment is a test designed to help you answer the questions “Should we do this?” or “Am I right about this?” If you are open to learning, the insights from your experiments will help you refine your creation and improve your odds of success.

Testing with Humans gives you concrete tactics, tools and examples to answer key questions Why run experiments, when to test the business versus the product, what makes a good experiment, how do you turn experiments into decisions and actions, how can we bring experiments into our business culture.


You can purchase the book on Amazon, however if you are with a non-profit or educational organization, you can have the book for free.


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