Meet 4 Startups that were born from Startup Weekend

If you are aware of Startup Weekend then for sure you know that it's coming back next Thursday. And if you are not aware then imagine the following scenario: after entering the hall and registering, the first question you will be asked: “Are you going to pitch?” And without thinking, you will say “Yes, I will” even if you don’t have a clear idea since pitching is a learning experience.
Startup Weekend gives you the opportunity to unleash your ideas and discuss it in front of other attendees then they starting voting. If the crowd vote for your idea then you will get to build your own team and during the next 22 hours, you will see your idea coming to real life. But if the audience didn’t vote for you, don’t worry you will get to be a part of a team of one of the chosen ideas also you will develop someone else’s idea and gain new skills and experience. Last but not least, you will present your idea in front of the judges then they will evaluate it and the top 3 innovative ideas will win the competition.
Here are four startups that were established through Startup Weekend:
Raye7 is a carpooling application that makes your road trip easier through connecting you with people who are going to the same destination as you (whether home or work). Raye7 aims to serve a bigger sector through sharing one car. Moreover, it contributes to solving the transportation problem. Raye7 recently received 2nd Best Mobile Application StartUp Globally at Mobile World Congress (MWC) and now it is incubated at the Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC).
Samira Negm, Raye7’s Co- founder, advised the attendees “You should be sure that your idea is needed in the market. Some people just pitch an idea without researching for similar ideas that already exist in the market.” She added, “You should, at least, search the internet and find the solution that will add value to the solutions that serve the same need.” She also said always lookout for the indirect competition and calculate the risk.
“There will always the indirect competition factor so keep it in your mind.”
Eventtus is a platform and mobile application that helps users to plan for events and network additionally, purchase online tickets. It also updates its users with agenda, speakers and live announcements concerning a specific event.
Crowd analyzer is a social media monitoring tool that helps users to analyze what a customer feel about a brand either the company’s or competitor's brand. It also helps a company to think deeply and find new ideas for its customers or think about the failure of a specific campaign they did.
Crowd Analyzer’s main headquarter is in Dubai and opened its second office in Egypt in 2013 also it is incubated at TIEC.
Bahaa Galal,Crowd Analyzer Co-founder, said “ It’s good to win the competition but what I learned is not to think about it or bother to win.” “Let your primary goal throughout those two days be starting your own company and getting feedback from the attendees.” He added, “Some people attend to explore the event and that’s a good thing but it’s not enough they have to participate, and if it is your first time in Startup Weekend then there is no harm from exploring but try to come next time to the event in order to build your own startup,” Bahaa concluded
Along with blood centers and hospitals, Faselty app. contributes to ease and develop the blood donating process. Faselty will combine all the data concerning the donors through their website and mobile app. depending on where they live to make the process easier and solve the shortage of blood bags in Egypt.
As for Faselty Founder,Samar Ali advised the attendees to train well before pitching to the audience, at least, a week before the event “Pitch in front your friends and your family.” Also, she added that “Self- confidence is very important when you believe in yourself then the idea will reach the audience clearer.”
Every year tens of ideas come out of startup weekend, but how many are still present in the market today?
Startup Weekend is not the end of your journey it is just a beginning, so don’t think that the time you are going to spend in the event will make your startup boom. On Contrary, you will need to spend more time and effort in order to succeed.
Remember one challenge that meets you every day, think of an idea to get rid of it and pitch your idea this week. Then and only then you will start your continuous and perseverance working journey to find investors in order to finance your idea and a team to help you. You should also develop your idea from time to time in order to attract new customers and beat your competitors.
Who knows you might be the one telling us your experience next year!
Photo Credit: Startup Weekend
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