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EduCup: A story of success for Next Coders Initiative

5 years 1 week ago

EduCup is an education application developed by a 9th Grade student, named Mostafa Khaled, which applies gaming tools to learning content for preparatory stage students in Egypt. The idea is that students, through this app, could train on and revise their lessons through competing and challenging each other as a means of memorizing information. As a graduate of “next coders” grant provided by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, through Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, in partnership with Udacity, to teach programming to Egyptian students, he had the chance to learn programming online besides school at his own pace and capitalize his programming skills through a practical project which helped him develop his app EduCup.

Mostafa successfully finished the grant in a notably short duration and was honored by the Minister of Communication and IT in Egypt being among the top 3 students in the program. Udacity has mentioned his story on its website as an example of successful outcome for the program in partnership with MCIT in Egypt. Mostafa has already developed a future plan to scale up his app which includes reaching other school stages in Egypt, some 50000 Egyptian students within the next three years, followed by a plan to work on the curriculum of other countries., where, he will need funding to cover expenses including building the content and marketing the app.

Next Coders program is part of the Next Technology Leaders initiative launched by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, implemented by Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, in partnership with Udacity, as an online learning grant for Intro to Programming Nanodegree program provided for 1st year Secondary School students in Egypt which started in June 2019 for three months for students from 616 public schools across all governorates where more than 1000 students were successfully graduated from the program.

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