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Registration Information Technology Academia Collaboration Program is Now Open

6 years 9 months ago

Information Technology Academia Collaboration (ITAC) program was launched in November 2006. The program includes projects that target funding collaborative research between ICT companies and universities, as well as projects that aim at supporting university students in developing innovative prototypes through their graduation projects and conducting fruitful periods of internship in ICT companies.

ITAC projects work within the framework of calls or rounds that ITAC announces through a wide array media to approach its stakeholders.

Round 24 submission window for Collaborative Research Projects proposals open from April 1, 2018, and will close on April 30, 2018, with new deadlines depending on the Collaborative Funded Projects (CFP) Category mentioned below.

ITAC funds three categories of Collaborative Funded Projects, Product Development Projects (PDP) which starts with a prototype and end with a final product. The budget ceiling is EGP 2,500,000.PDP submission deadline (Round 24): April 30, 2018, at 3 PM.

Advanced Research Projects (ARP): which start with a proof-of-concept and end with a Prototype, and Preliminary Research Projects (PRP) which start with an idea and end in a proof-of-concept.

The ITAC Program accepts projects that lie within the following areas; Strategic Areas such as wireless and Cyber Security, Electronics and Embedded Systems for ICT Applications, Homeland Security, Transportation, Health, Agriculture, Disabled, Education, and Energy.

It also accepts projects in Tech trends areas such as mobile apps, cloud computing, big data, and data analytics, blockchain etc…

Last but not least ITAC accepts projects in Demand –Driven Areas, in other words, project based on specific needs of governmental bodies, ministries, governorates ...etc.

To apply and to know more click here

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