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Human-centered Innovation Forum 2020

May 2020
Event Details
The innovation momentum has been globally developing for years and innovation has now become a criterion upon which nations are ranked globally. This ranking is indicative of a paramount shift from classifying countries by material reserve to classifying them by the outcomes they are able to maintain out of their national innovation brainpower.
The innovation has created a whole new competitive landscape whereby emerging technologies have helped in the acceleration of MVP development and ecosystem stakeholders such as governments and VCs are playing the catalyst role to bring those ideas to markets of scale.
The pandemic has taken the global economy by surprise. Governments, industries, and corporates are having second thoughts into innovations and the investments made thereof.
This forum is bringing global innovation executives and thought leaders, those with purpose at heart, to talk about Human-centered Innovation a.k.a. Innovation that serves the human purpose at scale.
The need for human-centricity and for bringing a human-purpose into anything we do is arising thus the idea of the event.
Every participating speaker will present her/his view of what human-centered innovation is and how it can be promoted amongst innovations that are designed purely for commerce.
The speakers will also attempt at decoding the purpose vs. profit relationship and at answering the question of whether human-centricity would jeopardize the commercial scaling or slow down the innovation momentum in any way. The event is organized and hosted by Suleiman Barada, a technologist, digital business transformation strategist, and an evangelist for good doing and social responsibility.
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