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ElRe7la is a connective experience bringing people who make things happen together for a 4-day out-of-office experience. We work to inspire and re-energize our campers as they disconnect from the day-to-day operations through an agenda that focuses on the mind, body and soul.
We focus on these 5 main activity types: organized networking, business innovation, fitness & fun, relaxation and artistic expression. This format allows the group to and think of both our work more strategically and our lives more long term.
During the camp both introverts and extroverts connect on deeper levels than traditional trainings or networking events
We invite different leaders, entrepreneurs, business professionals, creatives, decision makers,do-ers, educators, experts, innovators and makers to apply not only to come to connect with a new community and learn from each other but also to explore our camp’s methodology used in the 4 days to then bring back your favorite tools to your work environments for more workplace happiness in your on teams.