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Abdelrhman Soliman Hassen
Senior Investment Analyst at Multiples Startup Advisory
Category: Professional
Industry / Domain: ICT
Gender: Male
Interests: Entrepreneurs, ICT, Networking, Technology, Technology News, test, Innovation News, Pitching, Innovation, استغلال موارد الدوله امثل استغلال, Funding/Investment, Marketing, Education, Finance, Technology Trends, Innovation Education, Intellectual Property, Entrepreneurship, Startups, شركات ناشئة
Technology of Interest: Electronics, Telecommunications / Mobile and Wireless Communications (including satellite), Cloud Computing, High Performance Computing, ioT (Internet of things), Mobile Development [Android,iOS,BB,Windows,J2ME], Networking & Communication
City: Cairo
Skills: تحليل الشركات الناشئة ، عمل نموذج العمل لهم , تقييم الشركات الناشئة بناءً على أدوات تحليلة متقدمة ، تقديم حلول للشركات الناشئة تناسب بيئة عملهم والقطاع المستهدف