Uber is now ready to fight sexual harassment with Harassmap

According to the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, 99.3% of Egyptian women have experienced some form of sexual harassment. A shocking figure that mandates a nationwide movement to cure what can only be called an epidemic.
In the era of shared economy, technology and collaborative communities, the solutions must be as smart. Back in October 2015, Uber announced a partnership with Harassmap to proactively take measures against sexual harassment. This partnership came as part of Uber’s stated commitment to provide safe and reliable rides on the Egyptian roads. Today it was announced that Harrassmap, under their “Safe Corporates Program” has managed to train all Uber’s riders on the platform on sexual harassment, in terms of recognizing, preventing, and taking positive action against it.
As Uber drivers are now ready to transform their working place to a zero tolerance area to sexual harassment, it is safe to say that this initiative is not only one more hand in this fight but also an invitation to both entities and individuals to be positive and proactive against sexual harassment.
Images adapted from: Uber-Egypt twitter account
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