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Apply before 15th September to Join WEMPOWER for Innovation

The WEMPOWER for Innovation initiative, launched by Nile University and supported by USAID Business Egypt, has extended its application deadline to the 15th of September 2024. This program offers women entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to choose from three specialized tracks: Pre-Incubation, Incubation, and Acceleration, designed to support and empower women-led startups and businesses.

Who Can Apply?

The program is targeted at women leading startups and businesses with innovative solutions in sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, education, and green technology.

Why Join WEMPOWER for Innovation?

WEMPOWER for Innovation is exclusively crafted for women founders, acknowledging the specific challenges they face in business leadership and growth. The program offers:

  • A supportive community of like-minded women, mentors, and experts.
  • Solutions to business challenges and comprehensive business know-how.
  • Technical support for product or service development.
  • Pre- and post-assessments to measure progress.
  • Networking opportunities with industry experts and investors.

Program Tracks:

The initiative offers a 9-month comprehensive program, tailored to each stage of a business:

  • Pre-Incubation Program: For those with a concept or idea, offering support in developing a proof of concept and creating a prototype.
  • Incubation Program: For businesses in the establishment phase, providing assistance in building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and conducting market pilots.
  • Acceleration Program: For established businesses seeking growth, offering guidance on scaling operations and expanding into new markets.

Apply Now!

Choose the program that suits your business needs and apply before the deadline on 15th September 2024, 11:59 PM. Empower your business today!

Apply Here

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